Garmin Astro GPS collars are an important part of our walks.
Decompression walks may be the answer you’re looking for.
Sniffing is very important to our pets.
Harnesses can save our pets necks and soft tissue from permanent damage.
Let’s support our dogs even when they don’t meet our expectations.
Decompression and Enrichment Series Part 1
Join me as we look at decompression and enrichment as ways to improve our pets’ lives.
Protecting Our Pets on Excursions
Let’s protect our pets when we take them out.
Enrichment for Cats and Other Pets
Enrichment is for all pets.
Muzzles aren’t just for aggressive dogs. Why muzzles are important.
What Is Reinforcement: Ask Your Pet
What is reinforcement? What does my pet like?
Does Your Pet Have Agency? Creating Agency for Our Pets
Agency is the ability to make a choice in an environment. Does your pet have agency?
When We Think Our Pets Know Better: Generalizing Training
The importance of teaching your dog to behave in varying environments, and why they don’t “just do it”.